
Whats the best van for Plumbers?

Whether you have a successful plumbing business already or looking to become one – it’s imperative for you to have the right van to ensure that your business goes on as usual.

Vans are an important part of the smooth running of your business transporting you and your equipment to site. This is why you will require a van that allows you to operate efficiently and more importantly advertise your expertise in the right way

Having sufficient space for your tools such as ladders, pipes & sheets is a big factor in your van choice, Remember, your van may serve as your mobile office, so no compromises there!


From the research we here at Vanango! have carried out over 90% of Plumbers have decided on a medium or large size van, with the Ford Transit topping the list and the Vauxhall Vivaro and Renault Trafic coming in a close second.



Each and every plumber is different, the use of their vans vary also. The medium size van range offers many adaptions to suit your exacting requirements, such as, dual sliding load doors, factory racking and ply lining to help you organise the interior of your new van and a range of external storage facilities for those larger pieces of equipment. 



The exterior of your van is set ready for you to advertise your services and get more business.

While you’re driving down the road people will notice your uniquely sign written van and the information on it. Make sure your contact info is visible so people can reach you

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